28 Of My Favorite Things, Part 1

Elisabeth Tavierne
6 min readSep 5, 2018

Last week I celebrated my birthday ((I’m lucky that it always falls close to Labor Day Weekend — lots of time for fun//relaxation!)). After reflecting on the past year ++ thinking about what I desire for 28, I wanted to share with you guys 28 things that I’ve implemented this year that have made a big difference in my life!

ps // If you are a big fan of lists like I am, check out my 28 rapid fire questions on The CHAARG Podcast!

#1] Creating The CHAARG Podcast — This has litterally been the most fun project ever, + I’m learning so much from all my guests. Below are some of my fav episodes so far ((but honestly, THEY ARE ALL SO GOOD!)):

#2] Drinking 4 litters of water a day! I’m the worst at remembering to drink water. So, I got myself a one liter Nalgene + I kid you not, I make four circles in my journal… + every time I drink a liter, I fill in the circle. My type A side loves this, but it also helps me truly know if I’m drinking! For those of you who aren’t a fan of plain water — highly recommend using NUUN. Love the flavors: Watermelon, Strawberry Lemonade, + Lemon-Lime.

#3] Making time for travel. This is so important to me. I stopped making the excuse, “I don’t have time to travel” + instead made it a priority. I’m only getting older, with more commitments//responsibilities… + this life is short, + the world is so big! I want to explore it all. Also, I got the Southwest Companion Pass this year which I’m so excited to continue to use! ((Hello exploring the USA!))

#4] “The Sacred Hour” — I started this a couple months ago + have been loving it. Right when I wake up [6 AM, or earlier], I’ll make coffee, get out my journal//book, + lay out my yoga mat. I’ll set an alarm for 60 minutes + play accoustic spiritual music ((will have to make a playlist for you!)) + then put my phone away. That entire hour is my hour. It’s an unhurried time where I can do whatever I want! Typically, this looks like five Sun As, five Sun Bs, write in my Five Minute Journal, ++ lots of reading//writing. Sometimes it means cleaning my room, watering my plants, putting on a face mask, or doing the dishes. Whatever I decide to do for the hour, I make sure to move mindfully.

#5] Living alone — After living with my best friend for three years, we decided that it’s time for a new adventure! We were both a little nervous, but it’s been incredible to have our own space. I’m still in the *decorating* phase, but I can’t wait to show you what it looks like when I’m done. Moving has been a perfect time for reimplementing The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up : ). One of my goals this year is to be proud of everything I own + consume, asking myself: where is it sourced? I want to be excited about everything I have, even the little things — like my watter kettle… which reminds me that I need to buy one : ). Hopping on Amazon now!

#6] Deleting instagram for the day surprisingly quiets the mind — I’ve written about my phone addiction before ; ) [see: 10 Phones I Live By, Quitting Facebook, + No Input November]. If I notice that I’m constantly grabbing my phone, it’s typically because of instagram. I will literally delete the app for a day ((or even just a few hours))to stop the habit of reaching to reach. It’s crazy how much it helps with eliminating distraction + forcing me to be present — try it!

#7] Getting back into the Five Minute Journal — I started the Five Minute Journal back in 2016! So long ago. I have since picked it back up a few times, but I am still only halfway done with the book ((which is for 6 months!)). It’s been fun to look back on days for the past couple years, + it reminded me of why I liked the journal in the first place — it’s so simple, but it does have a profound effect on grounding myself in the morning + feel gratitude at night.

#8] Aztec Healing Clay — It’s literally 10 bucks, + has like 100 servings. I mix mine with Apple Cider Vinegar ++ use it as a face mask once a week on Sundays. I’m loving it. I want to experiment with using greek yogurt + honey with it, too — stay tuned! : )

#9] Bulletproof Coffee — I used to be more regular with drinking this every day, but I’ve stopped blindly drinking it in the morn + instead, see if my body wants regular coffee or BP coffee. Tip: make your own! Don’t buy it from a coffee shop, it’s usually so expensive. You can make BP coffee by blending: coffee ((I make it in a French press!)), 1 tbsp* grassfed butter, + 1 tbsp* of MCT oil. [*This can vary depending on your preference… from 1/2 tbsp to 2 tbsp!]. BP coffee is high in fats, so it keeps you fuller longer in the morn, so you can focus. Plus, it makes the coffee frothy, like you are drinking a creamy latte!

#10] Plant mama — I am a plant mama to six plants ((I WANT MORE!)).++ I buy myself flowers every week. There’s just something about green in my apartment that awakens my soul. My favorite place to buy plants//flowers from in Chicago is A New Leaf.

#11] Talking with a clairvoyant — Never thought I would do this, but I did + it was incredible. It’s amazing how people are blessed with this gift. I just talked with him over the phone + he was able to read my aura, + give me insight on a few sticky situations. I believe that we are our own best healer, but it sometimes helps to have an outside perspective. It was $150 for about two hours, so definitely pricey — but if you are interested, let me know + I can give you his info!

#12] Massive smoothie bowl — Every dang day. See my typical recipe here. Like, literally I eat it 5 times a week.

#13] Meditating as often as I can — I try to meditate daily, but that’s not usually the case. Since I’ve been doing the Sacred Hour daily, I don’t find I need to a 20 minute sit in the morning. But, I’m a big fan of 5 minutes of meditation in between work segments. I like working in chunks, so in between projects or even meetings when I want to clear my mind, I will close my eyes for 5–10 minutes ++ I always feel better after! I use the app Insight Timer for guided meditations, + timers!

#14] Walk, walk , walk, walk, walk — I try to walk 10 — 14K steps a day. I feel like walking is so underrated, but the benefits of getting outside ((FRESH AIR!)) is so, so important. If I feel lethargic, it’s usually because I haven’t walked enough the past few days. Movement creates energy… it’s a thing! : )

((Stay tuned for Part Two… next week!))

Rooting for you always,

++ Elisabeth

