5 Favorite Podcasts Right Now [+ Episodes To Listen To!]
I can’t believe it’s been over two years since I’ve talked about my love of podcasts on the blog! I wanted to update you guys on my current favorites, + include episodes for you to listen to. Enjoy!
#1] The Skinny Confidential Him + Her: Hands down, current favorite podcast. Lauryn is so real + hilarious — I love listening to her + Michael’s dynamic. Plus, every guest they bring on provides such quality tips… on anything from beauty to wellness to relationships to business.
- #173 With Lauryn, 73 Questions
- #217 With Greg McKeown, Author Of Essentialism [such a good book — read here!]
- #223 With Ryan Holiday, Author Of Stillness Is the Key [I’m excited to read this book!]
#2] The Balanced Blonde Soul On Fire: This podcast inspired me to start The CHAARG Podcast! Jordan is on a podcast hiatus right now, but I’m excited from her to return — most of her guests have a spirituality connections, so if you are into all things woo woo, you’ll love this podcast.
- #80 With Shaman Durek
- #132 With Lindsey + Krista From Almost 30
- #142 With Lauren Roxburgh, Author Of The Power Source [recently read her book — read here!]
#3] LET IT OUT: I love Katie! I first met her at a live podcast + journaling event that I signed up for on a whim… + I’m so glad I did. Her episodes are all long form, but they are so vulnerable + cozy — it’s perfect to listen to during a long walk or plane ride.
- #263 With Dating Coach Clara Artschwager
- #275 With Of/a Kind Founders [currently reading their book — Work Wife]
- #278 With Savala Nolan Trepczynski
#4] The Tim Ferriss Show: I remember reading 4 Hour Workweek when I was getting into my entrepreunership journey + just soaking it all up. To be honest, I haven’t listened to his podcast in awhile — but it felt wrong to not include it, there are so many gems.
- #287 With Terry Crews [so many mic drop moments!]
- #300 With Jack Kornfield
- #373 With SoulCycle Co-Founder Julie Rice [led me to read this book!]
#5] Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations: FAVORITE HUMAN. Can I please just include all of Oprah’s conversations? They are just too good!
- Richard Rohr [recently read two of his books + I’m obsessed: Universal Christ + Just This]
- Oprah: Your Own Truth [listen immediately]
- A New Earth Book Club, Episode #1 In The Series [based off this book]
Bonus — The CHAARG Podcast ; ): I had to include The CHAARG Podcast, of course! I’m also looking for questions to answer + people to interview, so hit me up with ideas. Here are some of my favorites that I’d love for you to check out, if you haven’t already! Thanks for listening!
What podcasts do you love? Let me know! I’d love to hear your favorite episode.