Prayer + Surrender

Elisabeth Tavierne
3 min readMar 14, 2018

For as long as I can remember, I’ve said a prayer before falling asleep. For so many years, most of those prayers have been rushed, sleepy, + automatic… until a challenge comes along + I fall to my knees, begging God for help. When I began my healing journey, I starting praying differently ++ I’m continuing to work on prayer.

Last night, I saw Nahko + The Medicine People [probably one of my top five favorite bands… love them. Listen to Budding Trees + Be Here Now]. While waiting for them to come on, I overheard a man say to another man, “Let me know when your wife is here, + I’ll say a blessing for you guys.” Isaac + I are working on *don’t be afraid to talk to strangers,* so we turned around ++ said, “Can we have a blessing?” The guy asked, “Are you guys married?” “Ummmm… no, but we are dating.” “Okay, I’ll give you a blessing.”

He firmly, but gently grabbed our hands + joined them with his, ++ said:

“When you pray outloud together + join in a prayer request, have full faith that God will answer your prayer. Whatever it is…. he will answer it. Once you request it, go about your day + live from joy. That’s the hard part — living from joy ++ FULLY trusting that God will answer your prayer. You must trust without a doubt.”

It was a very powerful experience as #1] we recently started praying out loud together so it was cool to get that affirmation that it’s important to pray together [Matthew 18:20“For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.] ++ #2] as some of you guys may have seen on my Instagram story, I am going through challenges + seeking discernment, + even more importantly, learning how to fully surrender + trust. It’s easy to have faith//trust when things are going well, it’s a whole different situation when things feel as if they are going not-so-well.

One of my favorite “lessons” from A Course In Miracles is: I do not perceive my own best interests.

We have a tendancy as humans to want to control everything. This can be a very beautiful thing, as I’m sure through “control” [hard work, dedication, organization, etc] you’ve been able to accomplish many goals in your life.

But, what would it look like if we simply stated what we want, ++ then allowed the universe to work it’s magic? I know it’s a crazy thought. But, like the lesson from A Course In Miracles — sometimes, we don’t even know WHAT will allow us to become our highest selves. I truly believe everything happens to us for a reason, + discomfort can be an incredible teacher. When we feel discomfort [aka — a challenge], what would happen if we treated it as a spiritual lesson?

I lost my headphones yesterday. I got mad at myself + frustrated because I feel like I ALWAYS LOSE THINGS. I asked myself, what’s the spiritual lesson here?

  • Things are just things. Release attachment. I can buy another pair — also, there are so many people who have lost so much more than me[fires, floods, family members… the list goes on].
  • Whoever found them, maybe they need them more than me
  • I am not truly listening — turn down the volume of outside noise, turn up the volume of my heart
  • I am not fully aware of my surroundings — be PRESENT + AWARE [this will be a lifelong lesson, I’m sure ; )]
  • Remember to always give thanks for all that I do have

Last night at the grocery store, an employee working the protein bar aisle had the biggest grin on his face when asked how he was doing… he said: “Blessed + happy, because God opened my eyes today.”

++ just like that, change in perspective. Challenges — small [headphones] or large [personal challenges] will come + go, but WE ARE ALIVE. God opened our eyes!

It’s time to pray, have faith, + surrender.

Rooting for you always,

++ Elisabeth

