Why I Chose To Find Out The Gender Of Our Baby
It’s a very simple answer: I chose to find out the gender of our baby to connect with him.
We got pregnant unexpectedly (Read: My Pregnancy Journey: Finding Out That I Was Pregnant + First Trimester) + I struggled for quite some time to process it feeling “real.” I knew, for me, finding out the gender would help me connect with him more… + it did!
After talking to many mamas, it’s amazing how people are so all over the spectrum with this. Some people want to be surprised. Some people NEED to know (me lol). Some people loved the surprise. Some people wish they would have found out. Some people chose to find out with one of their children, + be surprised the next. Or vice versa.
There’s no right or wrong answer. You can always decide to “not” find out + then change your mind at any point of the pregnancy. (Unfortunately, not the other way around, haha). For me, I’m very glad we found out…
Isaac made me pinky promise that for our next baby, we wouldn’t find out the gender.
I hope he changes his mind.
We shall see!