My Pregnancy Journey: Second Trimester

Elisabeth Tavierne
7 min readJul 7, 2022


If you haven’t read my first trimester journey entry [+ how I found out I was pregnant], read that here.

Second Trimester

I took a break from journaling during Week 12–19. My first entry back sums up second trimester: Have not journaled in forever because honestly I feel amazing… I forget that I’m pregnant every single day because ALL of my first trimester symptoms are gone + I feel so “normal”.

Second trimester truly was amazing. If “survival mode” was the theme of the first trimester, the theme of the second trimester was: friends + family + travel + ENERGY. We were constantly on-the-go + my energy was so, so high the entire time. We traveled to France + Spain. We spent the holidays with our families in Chicago, Rhode Island, + Florida. We saw tons of friends in December + January back in Chicago. We started to look for apartments in Califoria. I was so energetic, motivated, + lit up about everything. I was very social + made plans almost every night.

It’s wild because pre-pregnancy, my energy was very inconsistent + I would need a lot of rest. However around Week 15, my energy was not only extremely high, but it was also very consistent + sustained throughout the day. This abundant energy lasted until the day I gave birth. I kept saying: “This baby is giving me so much energy!” Granted, it very well may have been the pregnancy hormones, but I also believe in the spiritual side of the baby’s personality + I do think that Noah has high energy. He’s a generator in Human Design + Aries sun in Astrology. If you know, you know : )

Second Trimester — Physical + Emotional Changes

  • Still eating all the bread, bread, bread. New “cravings” = chomps, SO MUCH STEAK, chili, oatmeal, hot sauce on everything
  • Constant stuffy nose… so much phlem
  • I had quite a few nosebleeds in the second trimester when I was in colder climates [winter in Chicago], + my gums would sometimes bleed while brushing
  • SO THIRSTY, especially at night. I woke up at least 2x in the middle of the night to go pee, + every time I woke up I had cotton mouth
  • Super dry lips
  • Week 17, I started to get an itchy chest… I think it was from my boobs continuing to expand. I finally started putting on TONS of lotion + oils, which definitely helped. My chest ended up growing from a B to a DD! WILD.
  • Week 18, started feeling Noah kick! SO COOL. As soon as I started feeling kicks, I felt so much more emotionally connected to pregnancy [I talk more about that below]. I wrote in my journal: “It’s so fun to just meditate, lay in bed, + see if I can notice any kicks.”
  • Week 19, I got adjusted by a chiro for the first time in years. Excited to prioritize bodywork in the third trimester
  • Week 20, gained 20 pounds, even though my body still felt very “normal” aka like my pre-pregnant body [other than my boobs tripling]. When I switched midwives at the start of the third trimester, I didn’t get weighed anymore — so I have no idea how much weight I ended up gaining… probably 35–40 pounds?
  • Week 24, mild carpal tunnel syndrome… my wrist + fingers would get so sore from texting/computer work. This only last a few weeks, but I looked it up + it is a pregnancy symptom!
  • Week 25, slightest belly bump
  • Week 25, emotionally ready to settle down + find a home to give birth in! We applied for a few apartments in LA + didnt get them, + were really discouraged. We had been living out of a suitcase for 5.5 months at that point… + were so ready to start ~nesting~
  • Week 26, started to feel so many more kicks!
  • Week 26, started to get pregnancy melasma on my forehead + one of my cheek bones. It came out in Florida, so I think the combination of sun + pregnancy hormones triggered it? They say that it typically goes away after birth or breastfeeding… so we shall see!
  • Week 27, started to get the line on my belly [linea nigra] — it’s super faint
  • Almost all of second trimester = great mood, felt so much joy + gratitude, + felt very strong… “The pregnancy hormones are kicking in in such a beautiful way.”

Second Trimester — What Helped

  • People checking in on me. This was huge. It was really interesting to see who checked in vs who didn’t. Pregnancy is a lonely + exciting time. I know understand why mom groups can be so, so helpful.
  • Comfy clothes. I bought my only “maternity” item [jeans] towards the end of third trimester. Other than that, I bought Lululemon Align leggings + shorts a size larger than I normally wore… + that worked perfectly for all of pregnancy. I wore a lot of leggings + tees + loose dresses.
  • Movement. By Week 15, I started running again — which felt amazing! I also started incorporating yoga + weight lifting! I loved being able to move again + get back to my workout routine. I felt so strong!
  • Traveling during second trimester was incredible… but when I got home + truly slowed down, I realized *this* is what my body + mind + soul really need. I realized that I was ready for a slower pace of life + to really deeply feel the sacredness of this journey… after all: I only have one first birth story
  • At the end of second trimester, a lot of people commented on “Oh my gosh, do you feel like time as flown by? I feel like you just found out you were pregnant!” My answer was: I feel like time has gone perfectly… not too fast, not too slow. It really feels like divine timing in so many ways + I’m grateful for each step of the journey. Feeling like time has gone by perfectly.If anything it seems to be going by slow in a beautiful way

Second Trimester Moments

#1] Week 15 — I almost posted my “announcement” on instagram — it was a super vulnerable post + talked about how I was still grappling with the fact that I was pregnant. I showed it to Isaac + then instantly started uncontrollably crying. Isaac said: “I dont think you’re ready to share yet”. I’m grateful I listened to him.

#2] Week 20 — I “saw” the kicks for the first time the day after Thanksgiving… it was so surreal. I have it on video + I’ll treasure it forever. For the longest time I wondered is our baby still in there? But finally feeling [+ seeing!] the kicks, helped to reassure me that yes, he is still in there. This was a very pivotal point in my pregnancy — this was the moment when I knew that our baby is coming at the perfect time + that he is 100% meant for us. Emotionally, everything shifted after that moment.

“I feel much more confident that this is exactly the perfect timing for us. I am excited to start a family + care for a little human.”

#3] Week 20 — Got his first outfit! [from Melissa : )]. Then I decided to buy him a *few* clothes in Europe

#4] Week 22 — We had our 20 week anatomy scan, + found out he was breached, which isn’t a big deal at this stage, as they are constantly moving. He was jumping around a ton, + it was so cool to see he him on the ultrasound

#5] Week 22 — Started to interview midwives in California! I fell in love with Abby… who was the first midwife I interviewed + who we ultimately decided to work with .

#6] I started to think about the qualities I wanted to work on in the “in between time” before becoming a mother. My answers: #1] tidying, #2] phone time [way less time on my phone!], + #3] lovingkindness towards Isaac [“set up the environment in our family to be an ocean of love”]

#7] Week 27 — the first time someone assumed I was pregnant, she said: “You’re eating for 3”. Granted I was wearing a tight crop top + biker shorts… but still! It was very exciting.

1/12/22: “The chapter that I’ve known my entire life is closing. I no longer will have only myself to think about… I know this next chapter will be absolutely amazing + filled with a newfound love, but I want to fully honor this chapter’s closing as best I can + truly savor this time.”

Going back through second trimester was so much fun — I’m deeply missing the energy I had during those glory days. Second trimester was very pivotal for me physically + emotionally… + it really was night + day from first trimester. Also I lol’ed at this entry in my journal: “Overall, second trimester was a breeze + really makes me think *wow, I can be pregnant multiple times.* Dare I say I even enjoy being pregnant?”


